
Our group is discussing same sex marriage rights. In our group is Rachel Gregory, Beth Crowley, and Jackie Gaffney. All three of us feel like same sex marriage should be legal on the federal level. We are interested in seeing what people think about the issue by participating in our poll.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Interview With Kiersten Lawler

Me: Is this a problem you think is important? Kiersten: Yes. I think everyone should make their own decision about their personal life and the partners they want to spend the rest of their life with. Me: Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? Kiersten: Yes. I think the community thinks it’s important but they don’t see it as a problem. Everyone just realizes others opinions of it. Me: What policy, if any, does government now have to deal with this problem? Kiersten: The policy is a state by state decision. Some states allow same sex marriage, some only allow civil union, some only allow domestic relationship, and others don’t allow any rights to gay couples. Me: What are the advantages of this policy? Kiersten: Everyone has their own choice according to where they live. States are smaller and are more easily controlled than a whole country. Also if a gay couple lives in a state where marriage is not possible they are able to more to a place where they are accepted. Me: What are disadvantages to this policy? Kiersten: It doesn’t give same-sex marriages everywhere. You have to live in a certain area. This means to be happy people have to leave their homes. Me: How might the policy be improved? Kiersten: This would be improved by getting rid of it. If same-sex marriage was available throughout the whole country then there would be no issue. This is one policy that should be country wide rather than state wide. Me: Does this policy need to be replaces? Why? Kiersten: Yes. Everyone in the United States needs to have the right to marry whomever they want. Me: What disagreements, if any, about the policy exists in this community? Kiersten: Many people disagree with the policy like me and think that it should be a nationwide policy. Others disagree with the policy because they believe that homosexuals don’t have the right to marry someone of the same sex. Me: Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem? Kiersten: You can look online for more information. One of the best places is to look at the candidates websites to see the political views on same sex marriage.
I realized from doing this interview that Kiersten and I have very similar thoughts. I have never really talked to someone who was against gay marriage. It will be interesting the day that i have a conversation with them. It would have been interesting to interview someone with a different opinion but I am not close to anyone against same sex marriage.

1 comment:

  1. I also think everyone has the right to marry the person they love. From this interview, one thing I really agree is that Kiersten said, "I think the community thinks it’s important but they don’t see it as a problem. Everyone just realizes others' opinions of it." Although most of people say they support the marriage in the same sex, they still leave this on the side and do not think a way to solve it. There are some states passed the laws of equal marriage rights. However, there is still a long way to go for the whole country or even the whole world.
