
Our group is discussing same sex marriage rights. In our group is Rachel Gregory, Beth Crowley, and Jackie Gaffney. All three of us feel like same sex marriage should be legal on the federal level. We are interested in seeing what people think about the issue by participating in our poll.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fighting for Equality

I am an active member and participant with HRC, or the Human Rights Campaign. I became a member because I have so many close friends and even a few family members who are gay or lesbian. Fighting for and protecting their rights, as well as the rights for any person is something I am passionate about. Recently, my good male friends got married after being in a relationship for twelve years. With the election coming up, the GOP party is threatening to make gay marriage illegal on a federal level. I am saddened and outraged by this. My friends deserve equal treatment as a married couple as straight couples do. You don't see the Democratic party out there threatening to redefine marriage for heterosexuals. Why is it so different for gay and lesbian couples?

There are so many issues with the Romney/Ryan platform, it is hard to even know where to begin. Not only do the men want to prevent same sex couples from marrying by voting for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, they also have openly voted against the Hate Crime Prevention Act. The hatred that these men display is frightening and very serious for the future of our nation.

We need to educate our kids to accept one another for who we are, no matter what the race, gender,  or sexual orientation. Children are not born hating or judging other people; it is a learned behavior. By having men running for President and Vice President who openly hate certain groups of people, we are sending the wrong message to our children. Romney has even go so far as to reject the birth certificates of children coming from same-sex couples:

Ryan is very outspoken against the gay and lesbian community as well:

Social justice means that we work with our communities to educate not only the children in our classrooms, but also the people that we come in contact with on a daily basis. We need to stop people from teaching children that it is ok to judge someone just because they are different. The country will never succeed if we cannot come together and learn to accept one another. We talk about bullying and how wrong it is and damaging it is to our children....yet we are faced with two bullies possibly being elected into the White House. It just cannot happen.

For my "Take Action" assignment, I will be working with the Obama committee this Sunday to go door to door in Windham, NH to get people excited about voting. I am a strong supporter of Obama/Biden because they stand for everything I believe in. As a woman, a student and a future educator, I feel that these men have fought for me in the face of opposition, and it is so important to re-elect Obama for a second term.

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